Optimal dimensions for safe and convenient stairsFor the construction of stairs, there are certain building codes and regulations governing the methods of calculation of loads and strength, the dimension, the quality of materials and so on. You must also enter the expected length, the width of the stairs, parameters, steps, stringer and risers, if you require them in the design of your stairs.If you don't know all the source data required to calculate the turning the stairs at 90, below we present the optimal dimensions in the construction of wooden stairs in private homes. Data for calculation of quarter turn stairs (90 degrees) and landingFirst, you need to measure the height of the opening for stringer staircase - the distance between the bottom finish floor and upper finished floor. When you observing the staircase from above, it forms L-shaped structure. Please make sure your stair design complies with all local building codes and regulations requirements! It is very crucial step.The difference between the straight flight stairs and 90 degrees turn lies in the fact that L-shaped stair has two flights located at 90 degrees angle and one landing connecting them. Usually save the results of calculation do not exceed 1 minute.In case of problems when saving the results of the calculation, please send us a bug report through the form contact page. After successful payment, access to the results of the calculation will be downloaded to Your PC or sent to your mail (which You used for registration), depending on the selected 'type of save'. Enables access to detailed drawings and calculations, provides the ability to save and download any of the calculations of unlimited the number of times for the duration of your subscription. Subscription Pro allows you to set the drawings of your logo or off are available. Subscription Handyman enables access to detailed drawings and calculations, provides the ability to save and download any of the calculations of unlimited the number of times for the duration of your subscription. The list of 'Saved calculations' available at. Any purchased you can re-calculate the free to download an unlimited number of times. The preservation of each unique calculation is charged separately.

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